Hit and Run Motor Accidents


A road accident where identity of the motor vehicle causing death or injury to the person(s) is not known is called “Hit and Run Motor Accident”. As per the New Hit and Run Motor Accident Compensation Scheme-2022 the compensation payable to Hit and Run victims stands revised, with effect from 1st April 2022, at Rs 200,000 for death and Rs 50,000 for grievous hurt.

How to claim compensation?

  • Application for compensation, is required to be submitted by the injured victim himself/ herself or dependent/ legal representative of the death victim to Claims Settlement Commissioner of the district where the respective accident has taken place.
  • Duly completed Formats I, II, III & IV, along with supportive documents are required to be sent by the respective district authorities to General Insurance Council by post or to the Council’s dedicated e-mail id i.e. hitandrunschemeclaims@gicouncil.in
  • Payments for successful applications are released by the Council directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
  • Formats I, II, III & IV, required for this purpose, can be downloaded from the link provided below.
  1.  Download Hit and Run Motor Accident forms in Hindi     Click here
  2.  Download Hit and Run Motor Accident forms in English  Click here

 DLC Members List

  1. DLC Members for South Zone- United India Insurance Co Ltd        Click Here
  2. DLC Members for West zone- The New India Assurance Co Ltd      Click Here
  3. DLC Members for North zone- The Oriental Insurance Co Ltd         Click Here
  4. DLC Members for East zone- National Insurance Co Ltd                  Click Here

 HIT AND RUN motor accident compensation claims information booklet  Click here


For ease of use of the district users and for transparency of the transactions, the GICouncil has created a portal wherein the district users can login and upload the data of the cases. States have been contacted and training will be provided to the authorised persons.

Portal Link:- https://hitandrunclaims.gicouncil.in 

For access to the portal, kindly contact vasudha@gicouncil.in