Non-Life Insurance Insurers have been steadily improving the quality of service provided to the customers. One of the direct indicators of improving quality of service is the steady decline in the absolute number of complaints reported and also the complaints reported as a percentage of the number of policies issued as well as number of claims handled during the year – (Please refer Chart 3.1 and Chart 3.2 for data on number of policies and number of claims)
Information is regularly collated by the Authority through their Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS) wherein policy holders register complaints directly with the Regulator. The complaints registered in the IGMS are monitored by the Non-Life Insurance Companies as well as the IRDAI.
Chart 5.1.1Trend of number of Policies and Claims related Complaints
Source: IRDAI Consumer Affairs Department
% to policies: Total number of complaints divided by Number of policies issued during the year.
% to claims handled: Number of claims related complaints divided by Number of claims reported during the year.
Chart 5.1.2Trend of % to Policies issued and Claims handled
Source: IRDAI Consumer Affairs Department