Since the opening up of the Non-Life Insurance Industry in 2001, the industry has witnessed a substantial improvement in operational efficiency, along with a many-fold increase in Premium underwritten.
The following highlights show the trends in key operational dimensions during the period of 2010-11 to 2019-20.
Chart 3.2.1Policies Issued
Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies
Chart 3.2.2Claims Handled
Source: For 2013-14 onwards, Form 6 of I-X being sent by companies to The IRDAI
For prior years, NL24/25 of public disclosures of companies
*Claims Handled = Opening Balance of Claims Outstanding as at April 1st of each year + Claims Reported during that Financial Year.
Note: Incidence Ratio is derived as Claims Handled/Policies Issued
Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies
Chart 3.2.3Number of Offices
Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies
Chart 3.2.4Employee Count
Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies