Export Credit Guarantee Insurance business is carried out by ECGC Ltd., a Public Sector Company.
The business has grown from ₹885 Crores in 2010-11 to ₹1,388 crores in 2019-20, representing a CAGR of 5.11% p.a.

Chart 4.10.1GDPI - Export Credit Insurance

Table 4.10.1Export Credit

2019-20 Value
No. Of Policies 49,897
Premium (in Cr) 1,388
No. Of Claims Reported 3,544
No. Of Paid Claims 1,546
Amt of Paid Claims (in Cr) 598
Premium booked in India considered

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies

The Gross Incurred Claims Ratio has varied significantly over the observed period. Since 2010-11, the Net Incurred Claims Ratio has been greater than 80%.

Chart 4.10.2Gross & Net Incurred Claims Ratio - Export Credit

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies

Chart 4.10.3Rural vs Urban Premium - Export Credit

Chart 4.10.4Channelwise GDPI - Export Credit

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies