Property insurance business has registered a CAGR of 10.94% over the period 2012-13 to 2021-22. Proportion of Engineering business has increased to ₹3,563 Cr. this year from ₹2,970 Cr. of the last year.

Chart 4.6.1GDPI - Property Insurance

Table 4.6.1Property

2021-22 Value
No. Of Policies 7,838,752
Premium (in Cr) 25,111
No. Of Claims Reported 193,711
No. Of Paid Claims 153,570
Amt of Paid Claims (in Cr) 8,567
Premium booked in India considered

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies

The Gross and Net Incurred Claims ratio for Property insurance has been declining for the last 3 years.

Chart 4.6.2Gross & Net Incurred Claims Ratio - Property

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies

Chart 4.6.3Rural vs Urban Premium - Property

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies