All segments of business other than those dealt with separately earlier have been classified as Other Miscellaneous Insurance business.

Chart 4.11.1GDPI - Other Miscellaneous

Table 4.11.1Other Miscelleanous

2021-22 Value
No. Of Policies 11,682,255
Premium (in Cr) 4,626
No. Of Claims Reported 781,964
No. Of Paid Claims 471,860
Amt of Paid Claims (in Cr) 3,966
Premium booked in India considered

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies

The Gross Incurred Claims Ratio & Net Incurred Claims Ratio have varied significantly over the observed period with a generally increasing trend.

Chart 4.11.2Gross & Net Incurred Claims Ratio - Miscellaneous

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies

Chart 4.11.3Rural vs Urban Premium - Other Miscelleanous

Source: Council Compilation as per source
data submitted by companies

In certain classes (Marine Cargo, Marine Hull, Aviation & Crop Insurance) it has been observed that the Net Incurred Claim ratio is higher than that of the Gross Incurred Claim ratio. This could be probably due to attritional losses borne on net account, higher deductible fixed in respect of XL cover and insufficient rating of the risk covered.